1965-1971 Studium der Medizin an den Universitäten Heidelberg, Deutschland und Innsbruck, Österreich
1971 Medizinisches Staatsexamen an der Univ. Heidelberg,
3/1973 Approbation, Minist. für Arbeit, Gesundheit, Land Baden-Württemberg
1975 Promotion mit „magna cum laude“, Titel: “Morphologische Untersuchungen am Ganglion Gasseri und an den Trigeminusästen als Grundlage für die Behandlung der Trigeminusneuralgie mit einer neuen Saitenelektrode”
1971 - 1972 Medizinalassistent an der Universität von Heidelberg, Deutschland
1/1973 - 2 /1973 Klinikassistent an der Universitätsaugenklinik Mannheim/Heidelberg
3/1973 - 5 /1974 Stabsarzt der Bundemarine
6/1974 - 3/1975 Klinikassistent an der Universitätsaugenklinik Mannheim/Heidelberg
4/1975 - 5/1977 Klinikassistent an der Ophthalmolog. Abt. des Diakonissenkrankenhauses Karlsruhe, Deutschland
6/1977 Anerkennung als Augenarzt
7/1978 - 11/2001 Ophthalmologe in freier Praxis in Gaggenau, Deutschland
8/1985 Weiterbildungsermächtigung als ophthalmolog. Lehrstätte für 1 Jahr
1986 Ermächtigung zu arbeitsmedizinischer Untersuchung (G 37)
1987 Ermächtigung zur Ultraschall-Diagnostik (Sonographie)
1988 Kerato-lens für KME (Keratomileusis) Zertifikat
1995 Laserschutzbeauftragter
1997 Weiterbildungsermächtigung als ophthalmolog. Lehrstätte für 2 Jahre
1997 Bescheinigung der Landesärztekammer: Fachkunde für Laserchirurgie höheren Schwierigkeitsgrades. Bescheinigung der Landesärztekammer: Fachkunde für okuläre Eingriffe höheren Schwierigkeitsgrades
1998 Lehrgang und Zertifikat zur Implantation von “Intacs” (Corneale Implantate)
2003 Anerkennung der ärztlichen Diplome durch das Bundesamt für Gesundheit Bern, Schweiz. Niederlassungsbewilligung im Kanton Solothurn, Schweiz. Zulassung zur Tätigkeit zu Lasten der obligat. Krankenversicherung als Arzt im Kanton Solothurn.
2004 Recognosciamento del titulos in Spanien
Seit 2006 Medizinischer Leiter der ACL AugenCentrum GmbH in Olten/CH
Seit 2009 Medizinischer Leiter des Augenzentrums MyEyeSaver UG in Heidelberg/DE
DOG (Deutsche Opthalmologische Gesellschaft), BVA (Berufsverband für Augenärzte), AAO (American Academy of Opthalmology), DELV (Präsident, Gründungsmitglied: Deutsche Excimerlaservereinigung), ISRS (Associate Program Chairman, International Representative: International Society of Refractive Surgery), Kommission für Refraktive Chirurgie (Schriftführer, Mitbegründer: KRC) in Deutschland, ASCRS (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery), ESCRS (European Society of Catarct and Refractive Surgery), DGII (Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation und refractive Chirurgie), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lasermedizin, IRSC (International Refractive Surgery Club), LEROS (Vizepräsident: League European Refractive Ophthalmologic Surgeons), SOG (Schweizerische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft)
ASCRS Award „Best Paper of Session“ (“Theoretic model of a combined Presbyopia PRK”) Seattle, USA (1993); ASCRS Award „Best Paper of Session“ (“Pupilsize, Ablation Diameter and Halo Incidence after PRK”) Boston, USA (1995); ASCRS Award „Best Paper of Session“ (“Postoperative Mitomycintreatment Cur - all for Haze Prevention ?”) San Diego, USA (1997); ESCRS Alcon Video Festival 1. Price (“Phaco Snap and Smash”) Prag, Chechia (1997); ESCRS Alcon Video Festival 3. Price (“Hyperopic PRK”) Prag, Chechia (1997); ESCRS Alcon Video Festival 3. Price Nizza, France (1998); PHACOFLEX Meeting Award „Best Paper” (“Endolasercoagulation of LEC´s avoiding PCO”) Zermatt, Switzerland (1999); ASCRS Award „Best Paper of Session“ (“Difference in Fixation in Hyperopic Eyes: Consequences for Centration”) Seattle, USA (1999); PRESBYOPIY INTERNATIONAL BARCELONA “Award for the outstanding Achievement in the Field of Presbyopia” (2006)
Patent pending: Procedure for Presbyopic Laser Treatment (1994 US), Patent: Opthalmic Instrument for Phacocrushing (1999 US), Patent: Capsule-Sickle (2000 US); Patent: Phacic IOL (2001 US)
Anschuetz T. (1990). Model of a combined presbyopia PRK, European Excimer-Laser Congress, Strasbourg, France; Anschuetz T. (1991). Model of a combined presbyopia correction with the excimerlaser and report of treated cases., III. International congress on Laser Technology in Ophthalmology, San Francisco, CA.; Anschuetz T. (1992). “Multifocal excimer PRK: combined myopia-presbyopia treatment.” German Journal of Ophthalmology 1(3/4): 215; Anschuetz T. (1992). Theoretic model of simple presbyopia PRK. Mannheim, DELV symposium; Anschuetz, T. (1992). Multifocal excimer PRK, combined myopia-presbyopia treatment. Laser 92. G. Willital, M. Maragatis and R. Lehmann. Aachen, Shaker:
94; Anschuetz T. (1993). Multifocal excimer PRK combined myopia-presbyopia treatment. Seattle, ASCRS; Anschuetz T, Ditzen K (1993). Hyperopia PRK results after 1 year. Paris, ESCRS; Anschuetz T. (1993). Multifocal-PRK-study, experiences and results of 2 years. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery; Anschuetz T., Ed. (1994). Laser correction of hyperopia and presbyopia. Int. Ophthalmol Clin. Boston, Little, Brown and Company; Anschuetz T. (1994). “Presbyopia PRK.” Der Augenspiegel 40/2: 46-48; Anschuetz T. (1994). “PRK-results for high hyperopia.” Ophthalmology Times 19:7; Anschuetz T. (1994). “Hyperopia-PRK.” Ophthalmology Times 8: 21; Anschuetz T. (1995). Pupil Size,Ablation Diameter and Halo Incidence after Photorefractive Keratectomy. ASCRS Symposium on Catarct, IOL and Refractive Surgery, San Diego,CA, ASCRS; Anschuetz T. (1995). “Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der refraktiven Hornhautchirurgie mit dem Excimer-Laser.” Augenärztliche Fortbildung 18: 66-73; Anschuetz T. (1995). Pupil Size, Ablation Diameter, and Halo: Incidence or Dependence After PRK. Boston, MA 02210, Opthalmology Interactive, ASCRS; Anschuetz T. (1996). Refractive surgery of hypermetropia. Porto, CISP; Anschuetz T. (1996). Hyperopia PRK: possibilitites and limitations. Symposium Small incision Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Rome; Anschuetz T. (1996). Photorefractive Corneal Sculpting Methodology. USA; Anschuetz T. (1997). Presbyopic PRK. Surgery for Hyperopia&Presbyopia. N. Sher. Baltimore,Philiadelphia, Williams &Wilkins: 63-77; Anschuetz T. (1997). H-LASIK versus H-PRK. Boston, Ophthalmic Interactive, ASCRS; Anschuetz T. (1997). Lasercorrection of Hyperopia and Presbyopia. In Serdarevic O, ed.Refractive Surgery, Current Techniques and Management, New York, NY, IGAKU-SHOIN 1996: 229-261; Anschuetz T (1997). Mytomycin-C may help reduce Post-PRK Corneal Haze. Cataract&Refractive Surg EUROTIMES 4 (2),8; Anschuetz T, Pieger S (1999). “Correlation of Laser profilometry Scans with Clinical Results.” J Refract Surg 15 Supplement1999: 252-256; Anschuetz T, Pieger S (1998). Evaluation of different hyperopic photoablation profiles. J Refract Surg 14 Supplement (2)1998: 192-196; Anschuetz T (1997). The Importance of Optical Zone Size. Buenos Aires, Sociedad Argentina de Cirurgia Refractiva y Cornea; Anschuetz T (1997). Centration and Fixation of Hyperopia. Phuket,Thailand, Nidek User Meeting; Anschuetz T (1998). “Treatment of Central scar after H-PRK Refractive surgical problem: Consultation section.” J Cataract Refract Surg 24(1): 12-15; Anschütz, T. (1997). “What is your current method of treating hyperopia. Consultation section.” J CATARACT REFRACT SURG 23(5): 698-701; Anschütz, T. (1998). Evaluation of different hyperopic photoablation profiles. Boston, MA 02210, Ophthalmology Interactive, ESCRS; Anschütz, T. (1999). “Refractive surgical problem. Consultation section.” J CATARACT REFRACT SURG 25(3): 307-311; Anschütz, T. and E. Bielawski (1999). LTK-Alternative Re-treatment Methode über- oder unterkorrigierter PRK. Kongress der DGII 1998. G. e. a. H. Duncker. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag: 516-524; Anschütz, T. (2000). Treating Hyperopia, Centration. LASIK-Surgical Techniques and Complications. L. Buratto and S. Brint. NJ, Slack Inc.: 468-469; Anschütz, T. (2000). Laser Thermokeratoplasty. LASIK-Surgical Techniques and Complications. L. Buratto and S. Brint. NJ, Slack Inc.: 294-295; Anschütz T, P. S. (1998). “Evaluation of Hyperopic Photoablation Profiles.” J Refract Surg 14 (1998), 2.suppl. 192-196 14 Suppl (1998): 192-196.
AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology); EPO (European Professors of Opthalmology), ASCRS (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery); ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery); ISRS (Int.Society of Refractive Surgeons), DGII (Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für IOL-impl.u.Refr.Chirurgie); DOG (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft); DOC (Deutsche Ophthalmo-Chirurgen Germany); EFA (Essener Fortbildung für Augenärzte); ERSS (European Refractive Surgery Society), Spanish Society of Ophthalmology; SSA (Ophthalmological Society Southafrica); World Federation of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons; SAO (Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmologica); EOS (Egyptean Ophthalmologic Society); CIRSA (Canadian Implant and Refractive Surgery Association; Türk Oftalmolji Dernegi, Ankara, Turky; Russian Society of Ophthalmology; Mexican Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery; International Congress on Catarct- and Refractive Surgery; Panarabian Congress, Cairo, Egypt; Worldcongress of Ophthalmology, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Symposio Internationale Ocular Surgery News, Rom, Italy; Symposium Wellenfrontdiagnostik Universität Leipzig, Germany; Curso de cirugia refractiva el Laser Excimer, Madrid, Spain; Curso Teorico Practico de Laser, Fund.Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, Spain; Symposium University of Budapest, Hungary; International Society for Optical Engineering, Spice International Symposium Los Angeles, USA; Symposium of Intraocular Implants and Refractive Surgery Asspociation of Polish Society of Ophthalmology, Kattowice, Poland; Symposium Wavefrontaberration, Wixu, Ningbo, China; Courso Internacional en Cirugia Refractiva, Alicante, Spain; Symposium on Small Incision Catarct & Refractive Surgery, Rome, Italy; Symposium on Refractive and Cataract Surgery, Bangkok, Thailand; Symposium of the Greek Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery Society Athens, Greece; AMO-Phacoflex Meeting, Zermatt, Switzerland; Advanced Ophthalmic Laser Therapy Training Course, Luzern, Switzerland; Nidek User Conferences, Phuket, Thailand; Cancun ,Mexico; Myazaki, Japan; Invited expert and referent for FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) Washington, USA; Fachkongress für medizinische Kosmetik, Zürich, Switzerland; Alicante Refractiva; Curso de Cirugia Refractiva Sevilla; Presbyopia International Barcelona 2006
Videorefrattiva, Milano,Italy; Chirurgie en vivant, Paris, Frankreich; Leipzig, Baden-Baden, Gaggenau, Germany; Shanghai, Wixu, China; Moskau, Russland; Catarac t- and Refractive Surgery in France, Italien, Saudi-Arabien, China, Thailand and Russland; Invited surgeon in Ryadh, Jeddah, Al Baha, Saudiarabia und Kuwait; Invited surgeon in Moscow, Russia; Invited Surgeon in Bangkok, Thailand 2000; Invited Surgeon in University of Leipzig, Germany 2001; Invited Surgeon in Wixu, Ningbo, Shanghai, China 2002
Myopic PRK (1990), Hyperopia-PRK (1991), Multifocal PRK (awarded 1991), Presbyopic PRK (1992), Hyperopic Study with 9 mm ablation diameter zone (1993), Pupilsize, Ablation diameter and Halo incidence after PRK (awarded 1995), Primary LTK and secondary LTK for retreatments after myopic PRK/LASIK overcorrections and hyperopic PRK/LASIK undercorrections (1995), Influence of ablation diameter, optical zone and flap-size on PRK and LASIK (1996), Mitomycin for haze prevention (awarded 1996), Selective Laser Trabeculoplastic (SLT 1997), Laser-Profilometry of myopic and hyperopic ablation profiles (1998) Micro Endolaser-Polishing of the post.capsule for prevention of PCO (awarded 1998), New Phacic IOL (1999), LASEK, Alternative to LASIK (2000), Wavefront guided Laserablation (2001), Corneasighted Aberrometry (2002), Accommodative IOL (2002)
Aesculap-Meditec, Nidek, Sunrise, Wavelight, Schwindt, Carl Zeiss-Meditec
Modell Multifocaler PRK (1990), 1.Multifocale Excimer PRK: combined myopia-presbyopia treatment (1992), 1.Presbyopie PRK (1992), 1. Hyperopie PRK mit grosser Ablation- (9mm) und optischer Zone, 6,2mm (1993), 1. Nachweis von Pupillengrösse, Ablationdiameter und Halo (1995), 1. Gebrauch von Mitomycin für Hazeprevention (1997), 1. Nachweis differenter Fixation in hyperopen Augen. Konsequenzen für Zentrierung (1997), Korrelation von Laser Profilometry Scans mit klinischen Resultaten (1997)